Model of dental crown and jawbone

Dental Crowns

Our teeth are exposed to an enormous amount of pressure and bacteria which can cause chips, fractures, decay, and even tooth loss.  Dr. Roni Berbari offers custom-made dental crowns at our Montreal, QC, practice to restore the health and appearance of your smile.  Learn more about the benefits of dental crown treatment at Montreal Smiles...

Protect Your Teeth With A Dental Crown

A porcelain dental crown is a custom-designed cap that is attached to the surface of a damaged or weakened tooth. 
Unlike a filling or inlay, a crown provides more comprehensive support and protects the natural tooth from further deterioration. 

Don't Wait!  Schedule Your Restorative Dentistry Today

If you are suffering from tooth damage, don't put off treatment. The sooner you receive professional care, the more likely you can save your natural tooth and prevent costly restorative work. The procedure is fast and convenient: most patients leave the office with a custom permanent crown in one appointment. Furthermore, Dr. Berbari has the training to place dental implants himself, helping patients restore missing teeth with beautiful implant-supported crowns.

Our goal is to provide comprehensive restorative dentistry in a friendly and comfortable environment. You can trust Dr. Berbari to give you the personalized dental care you need at an affordable price. Schedule a free consultation at our Montreal practice today by filling out our online form, or calling:

(514) 733-3933

"For patients who are missing teeth, a porcelain crown can also top a dental implant to fill the gap in your smile." Dr. Berbari

Dental Crown and Bridge Placement

Dental crowns and bridges by Montreal Smiles are crafted to look natural while providing excellent support. A dental crown covers and protects a single compromised tooth. A dental bridge covers two teeth and holds replacement teeth in the middle to replace a missing tooth.

Dental Crown Treatment Timeline 

Patients of our Montreal practice have the option of receiving same-day crowns. Here is what you can expect when undergoing the procedure... 
The procedure is fast and convenient: most patients leave the office with a custom permanent crown in one appointment.

Schedule a Free Consultation

The procedure is fast and convenient: most patients leave the office with a custom permanent crown in one appointment.

Dental Exam

While tooth decay can present visible or painful symptoms, some patients may not notice a problem. It is important to attend regular exams and cleanings for the dentist to check your oral health and spot these conditions in their early stages. If you are in need of a crown, we will discuss your options and plan your treatment. 

Tooth Prep

The dentist prepares your tooth by performing any preliminary procedures such as a root canal. A root canal removes bacteria and tissue decay from the tooth's inner structure to eliminate and prevent further infection. We then remove a small amount of enamel to make room for your restoration. 

Digital Impressions

Next, the dentist takes digital impressions using our high-tech intraoral scanner. This device captures images of your teeth from all angles allowing us to design highly accurate restorations. 


Our in-office CEREC machine fabricates your crown by shaping a solid block of ceramic porcelain to the precise dimensions of our design. The milling process is typically finished in under an hour.


Once it is ready, the dentist checks the look and positioning of the dental crown against your tooth. After making any necessary adjustments to ensure a snug fit and optimal aesthetics, it is bonded to the surface of the tooth with dental cement. 

See the Difference A Crown Can Make...

Before treatment
Before This patient suffered from several cosmetic and functional dental problems. In order to treat the occlusal wear, large filling, and shortness of the teeth, the dentist recommended several crowns to provide support and aesthetic improvement. 
After treatment
After The dentist placed 11 crowns made of high-quality porcelain. The dental crowns concealed the distracting aesthetic imperfections while an additional crown lengthening procedure corrected the proportions of the gum line.
"CEREC allows us to place your permanent crown at the same appointment, protecting the structure immediately." Dr. Berbari

The Advantages of CEREC and CAD/CAM in Restorative Dentistry

Montreal Smiles is equipped with top-of-the-line dental technology such as the CEREC® same-day restorations system. While the most important advantage of CEREC is the reduced treatment time, there are several additional benefits...

Improved Accuracy

CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) technology is a highly precise system. First, an intra-oral scanner creates a 3-D representation of your teeth using different wavelengths to capture their exact dimensions. These impressions are immediately sent to our chair-side monitor where the dentist designs your crown with maximum accuracy. 

Increased Comfort

Unlike traditional impressions, our intra-oral scanner does not require messy gels or uncomfortable trays. The device resembles a small wand that captures images of your teeth and their surrounding structures within seconds.

Better Protection

In a traditional procedure, patients would wear a temporary crown for a few weeks while an off-site dental lab manufactured their permanent restoration. Temporary crowns are flimsy, leaving your tooth vulnerable to damage. CEREC allows us to place your permanent crown at the same appointment, protecting the structure immediately.  

How is a crown placed if I am missing a tooth or need to have my tooth extracted

A Closer Look at Implant-Supported Crown Treatment

Dental implant

When a patient has suffered tooth loss, the jawbone can begin to deteriorate because it is no longer receiving stimulation from the tooth's roots. Dental implants are the only form of restorative dentistry that can prevent bone recession while replacing your tooth.

Implants are embedded in the jaw and fuse with the bone over the course of several months. They are permanently fixed in place and offer a life-long foundation for your dental crown. While implant treatment is more extensive and involves surgical procedures, it is undoubtedly the most secure and beneficial way to correct tooth loss. 

Dr. Berbari

Montreal Smiles

Since 1990, Dr. Roni S. Berbari and his team have provided dental care to help the community of Montreal enjoy optimal oral health and stunning smiles. Our featured procedures include:

To schedule an appointment at our Montreal, QC, dental office, contact us online or call (514) 733-3933.

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